You have without a doubt heard much about wrinkles. Well, wrinkle myths abound, and you may have heard only a fraction of the truth. Here are some truths:
How your parents age is only a small predictor of how you will age. While genes are a part of the equation, they may actually not play as great a role as we once thought. When it comes to premature skin aging, the biggest culprit is extrinsic aging – think sun exposure, smoking, and environmental factors. Wearing sunscreen with at least an SPF30+ every day, and a formula that that blocks both UVA and UVB rays, is the single best way to protect your skin. Wrinkles are not just from age, 95% of them are related to cumulative sun exposure that causes DNA damage.
Drinking water to stay hydrated is important, but it won’t prevent wrinkles. Though drinking more water may help you look brighter and feel better. Dehydration – even low-grade dehydration – can cause headaches, dizziness and fatigue. There is no definitive answer for how much water you need each day. It varies based on your age, gender, activity level, climate, and other factors, but the general recommendation is about 9 cups every day for women, and that doesn’t include coffee or chardonnay.
Using the right skin care and using it consistently is an important part of an anti-aging strategy. Retinoids are the primary achievers, but generous use of a moisturizer can hydrate your skin and smooth fine lines. For real dynamic (muscle movement) wrinkles a little help from BOTOX will prevail. And for deeper lines and sag, filler injections (Restylane, Juvederm, Sculptra Aesthetic, Radiesse), will do the trick. If the skin is quite damaged from UV exposure, consider laser resurfacing or a series of skin peels.
Call 561.820.8055 to schedule a consultation for your personalized anti-wrinkle plan and take years off your face, neck, chest and hands.