Is Dermaplaning Safe? Debunking Myths About The Treatment

If you’ve heard of dermaplaning, we’re willing to bet you’ve also heard a thousand different stories about the treatment and are wondering if they’re actually true or is dermaplaning safe. Misinformation spreads like wildfire online and we wouldn’t want you missing out on a life-altering beauty experience because of it! 

Therefore, we must debunk these falsehoods and give you the real info you need. From those who say it’s a dangerous skincare treatment to those who swear your hair will grow back ten times thicker afterward. We’re about to decipher the myths from the facts and set the record straight once and for all! 

What is Dermaplaning and How does it work

Before we get into all of those myths circulating the net, let us explain exactly what dermaplaning is and answer every question you have about what you can expect at your appointment. Then, we’ll get into all of the amazing benefits you can expect from this wildly popular treatment!

Dermaplaning is a revolutionary exfoliation treatment that uses a 10 surgical blade (a scalpel) to thoroughly exfoliate dead skin cells, remove peach fuzz facial hair (also known as vellus hairs), and leave your skin feeling fresh, smooth, and renewed. 

The treatment is performed by a trained, licensed aesthetician or dermatologist. They will use the scalpel to create featherlight strokes which gently remove the hairs and top layer of dead skin to reveal a new, dewier, healthier-looking complexion beneath. 

What Can I Expect At My Appointment?

Arrive at your appointment with makeup-free, clean, dry skin. However, don’t be too worried as your aesthetician will cleanse your face at the start to make sure any reaming dirt, oil, bacteria, or makeup is removed before they begin.

After cleansing, your skin will be prepped ready for the dermaplaning to begin. Using those feather-light strokes we mentioned, your aesthetician will hold the skin gently taught as they start to remove all of that dead skin and excess hair. As they move the blade across the skin, this all collects and falls away from the face. (You’ll be surprised how much there is, especially if it’s your first appointment!)

Once they’ve exfoliated all of your skin with the blade, they’ll move on to treat it with topical products with replenishing properties. This will be a specific blend of ingredients specially chosen by your aesthetician to nourish your exact skin type. For example, the products we use here at the Anushka Spa are highly active formulas from iS Clinical and Intraceutricals. Both of which are among the best skin care providers in the world!

How Long Does The Treatment Last?

Give or take 5 minutes, you can expect your treatment to last a half-hour. This allows adequate time for cleansing, exfoliation, and topical treatment application afterward. 

How Long Do The Effects Of Dermaplaning Last?

If you’re wondering how often you’ll need to dermaplane once you start getting treatments, we’d suggest booking in roughly every four weeks. 

This is usually about the right amount of time for new vellus hairs to have grown back in and need removing, as well as your epidermis having a new layer of dead skin ready for removal (skin regenerates itself every 27 days, approximately). That said, the time frame will differ for each person and may alter by a week or two. It all depends on how much hair you have to begin with, and how quickly it normally regrows. 

Does Dermaplaning Work?

That’s an easy one. Yes! Unlike other treatments where the effects may not be all too obvious at first, or you might find your results aren’t as effective as you see on others, dermaplaning works every time. 

If you have unwanted vellus hairs, they’ll be removed. If you have dead skin, that’ll go too. This means you’ll always leave your appointment with a fresh new complexion and a dewier, more youthful-looking appearance than you arrived with.

What Are The Benefits Of Dermaplaning?

Aside from the removal of dead skin and fine hairs, dermaplaning offers so many other incredible benefits that are too good to pass up! Let’s dive in and explain what they are. 

Better Makeup Application

One of the many reasons any of us indulge in skincare treatments is to achieve a smooth, flawless finish when we apply our makeup. Well, once you give dermaplaning a go we can bet you’ll never want to stop. 

Thanks to the removal of all that dead skin and fine hairs (neither of which should be anything to be conscious about by the way!) your makeup will smooth on much easier than before. What’s more, you’ll need to apply a lot less and find the finish is now super smooth and dewy!

Skin Care Products Will Penetrate More Deeply Into The Skin

As with the improved application of makeup, you’ll find that after dermaplaning, your skin absorbs skincare products much quicker and much more deeply. 

This is because, rather than having to fight through those hairs and layers of dry, dead skin, they can absorb directly into fresh, new skin. This, as with your makeup, means you can use less but will likely see improved results as the ingredients work deeper and more effectively into the deeper layers of your skin. 

It Treats Hyperpigmentation

If your hyperpigmentation is a concern area for you, dermaplaning might be just what you’re looking for. 

Since it removes a layer of skin, the hyperpigmented skin cells can also be removed with it. This stimulates the production of new healthy skin cells revealing a more balanced complexion. 

It Can Help Treat Acne Scars

Dermaplaning also helps to promote collagen production and can therefore be an effective addition to the treatment of acne scars. 

Many choose this option as it’s non-surgical, creates little to no redness, and stimulates circulation to help with the healing process of acne scarring. It also improves elasticity within the skin which can help improve the smoothness of your complexion and produce a more even skin tone and texture overall. 

It Has An Instant Brightening Effect And Revives Dull, Dry Skin

After this stimulation of blood flow and removal of dead skin cells and hair (which often can prevent the skin from looking dewy), you’ll find your skin looks instantly brighter and more radiant. If your skin has previously felt dry and consequently looked a little dull, therefore, this treatment is a must.

It Helps To Smooth Out Fine Lines And Wrinkles

Say goodbye to fine lines and wrinkles, because this treatment is about so much more than hair and dead skin removal. In fact, the main reason we recommend this treatment to our clients is because of its ability to remove fine lines.

As we age, the elasticity of our skin declines as the production of collagen slows. Once that top layer of dead skin gets taken away, therefore, the crease that appeared upon it will either be seriously reduced or better yet, removed altogether! 

Common Myths About Dermaplaning

As with any great beauty treatment, we hear just as many good things online as we do bad. And, considering that this one involves taking a blade to the skin, it’s understandable that people may have reservations about its effectiveness and safety!

To put your mind and rest, let’s talk through all the things you’ve likely read, address your concerns, and show you why this spa treatment shouldn’t worry you at all.

My Hair With Go Back Thicker

Despite what you might think (because we did in the past too!), shaving hair anywhere on the body does not make it grow back thicker or darker. Additionally, to change the way your hair follicles behave, you’d have to reach deep enough to access the active stem cells. Dermaplaning doesn’t go deep enough to do that as it only removes hair on a surface level.

The reason you might sometimes feel like your hair is growing back differently is because of the way it has been cut. Losing its formerly tapered edge it grows back a little blunter. 

This is no cause for concern and whilst you may feel a slight amount of seemingly more rigid hairs after treatment as you would with any form of hair removal, this is completely normal and only lasts for a short period. Once the hair grows back through, rest assured, it will be the same light and soft hair that it was before.

It Irritates The Skin

Once again, this rumor is not true. Considering this treatment uses a blade, however, we can understand why some might think it unpleasant! 

However, the blade is held at a 45-degree angle so it merely brushes very gently over the skin. There is no harsh pressure applied and the skin is held taut which allows the tool to glide over the skin rather than dragging across it in any way. This process does not irritate the skin, therefore, and will leave a very mild redness due to increase blood flow at most. 

In fact, most that have indulged in this treatment will tell you it actually feels incredibly relaxing from start to finish! 

I’ll Need A Lot Of Downtime After The Treatment 

Nope! You can forget about downtime following your appointment, and look forward instead to the dewiest skin of your life. Aside from the mild redness we mentioned which some do experience for a short while afterward, there should be no other side effects.

Dermaplaning Isn’t Suitable For Darker Skin 

Dermaplaning is totally safe no matter the color of your skin. Why? Whilst other exfoliation treatments (such as exfoliating facial scrubs or over scrubbing with a facial brush), can cause them, dermaplaning doesn’t cause micro-abrasions. 

Micro-abrasions are a common cause of hyperpigmentation. Therefore, this exfoliation method is totally safe for darker skin and will work instead to gently reveal a radiant glow. Especially once those fine hairs and dead skin cells which cause dullness are fully removed.

Most Absurd Myths About Dermaplaning…

Dermaplaning Will Make You Breakout

Funnily enough, dermaplaning will do the exact opposite for your skin! It prevents breakouts rather than causes them. How? As it takes away that top layer of dull, dead skin, it unclogs your pores and prevents dirt, oil, leftover makeup, and more, from getting clogged between the layers which can often lead to a breakout. 

Not to mention, following your treatment, any preventative measures you do take to avoid breakouts, such as using specific cleansers or serums to treat acne-prone skin, will be much more easily absorbed. Therefore, they’ll be working much harder for you!

Dermaplaning Is Dangerous

Okay, this one we have to shut down altogether! Dermaplaning is a very safe procedure and one you can be confident about in the lead up to and during. 

Though it can be performed at home, which we don’t recommend (we’ll cover why shortly!), most often, it’s performed by a highly trained dermatologist or aesthetician. They know exactly how to hold the blade tool, which angles to hold it at for a soft and safe spa treatment, and exactly how much pressure to apply for a light yet effective exfoliation of the skin. 

It Hurts

This is another total myth. Dermaplaning is a painless procedure from beginning to end. It does not irritate the skin, won’t cause painful breakouts (or any at all for that matter!), and won’t require any downtime afterward.

Things To Consider Before Getting a Dermaplaning Treatment

Though, as we’ve covered, the myths above are certainly untrue, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take a moment to consider a few things before booking your first dermaplaning appointment. 

As with any skincare treatment, you’ll need to think about your specific skin type and if it’s right for you. You’ll also want to do your research to ensure you’re visiting a salon with excellent reviews and trained, trusted aestheticians and dermatologists. 

Consider Your Skin Type And Speak With Your Derm

Though dermaplanning is suitable for the majority of skin types, some skin conditions may mean you’ll need to rule it out for the time being. 

These include active acne, severely sensitive/dry skin, and severe rosacea. Though the blade only skims the skin, it is enough that it can negatively affect and in some cases worsen these skin conditions. If you’re unsure, book an appointment with your dermatologist to talk it over before booking an appointment.

Know Your Aftercare Routine

Whilst it’s true that this treatment doesn’t require downtime, it is important to take great care of your skin afterward. For this, we suggest waiting to wash your face for around 12 hours afterward. When you do, be sure to use a gentle cleanser that’ll be kind to your freshly exfoliated skin.

Also, avoid exercise and sun exposure for 24 hours. This will keep the skin cool and prevent any redness or irritation from occurring. 

Finally, try not to itch or touch your skin wherever possible and treat it with a soothing moisturizer or serum. Ask your aesthetician/dermatologist for product recommendations that will work best for your skin type. 

Thoroughly Research The Products You’re Using If You’re Planning A DIY

There are a couple of reasons we wouldn’t exactly recommend you try this one at home. Firstly, the tools made for at-home use usually have a much duller blade than the one your aesthetician will use. This means it’s much more difficult to achieve the desired results. 

Meanwhile, using a blade on your own face can be tricky and you do risk accidentally nicking your skin with the tool. This can lead to infection and, in some cases, even scarring. We recommend avoiding that altogether and booking in with a spa you trust with an excellent reputation. 

All that said, if you are determined to try it at home, thoroughly, thoroughly research the tools and products you’re using first!

Decide Which Clinic Deserves Your Business

Finally, be sure to look at reviews and visit a spa with highly recommended, trained professionals! 

Now that we’ve answered all of your burning questions about this amazing treatment (and debunked any concerns you have from outrageous internet myths) we’re sure you’re eager to book in for your first appointment. We cannot wait to welcome you here to our luxury penthouse spa and to finally give you the dewiest complexion and softest skin of your life!