Two of the most Amazing Products Available Thus Far….
My extensive experience with the newest members of the Restylane family; Restylane Refyne® and Restylane Defyne® has been nothing short of Spectacular. While the Restylane family has been proven to be a fabulous dermal filler for decades, the addition of these products have not gone unnoticed. Similar but with different crosslinking these two new gels are cohesive and extremely elastic, allowing for a continued smoothness even upon extreme facial animation. Even when your mouth is moving, after its placement, none of the previously detected lines and wrinkles are visible. Its unique crosslinking leaves the product soft, smooth, and undetectable.
As we move along in life we lose the fine layers of fat directly beneath the skin. This fat covers a multitude of sins and makes the skin and face look flawless. As it dissipates the skin lies closer to the underlying muscles responsible for movement. That muscle begins to adhere to the skin making it resemble the muscle underneath, which is not really pretty. Restylane Refyne® or Defyne® can mimic the wonderful fat we used to have, once again making us look youthful and flawless! Visit Anushka Spa & Salon today.